Hire Inclusively

Do you want to grow your business while supporting your community?

WorkBC Customized Employment Services connects employers with employees to create customized, meaningful employment

Benefits of Hiring Through Our Service

  • Get the Job Done | In a study of 811 employees with a disability, 82% rated average or above average for job performance
  • Engage Your Employees and New Customers | 22% of Canadians have a disability. Build a diverse workforce and grow a diverse customer base
  • Recognition for Corporate Social Responsibility | Customers reward inclusive employers with loyalty. We’re excited to partner with you, and regularly promote the inclusive employers we work with
  • On-the-Job Coaching | We offer one-on-one support for your new employee during training if needed
  • Work Safely | Workers with disabilities rated average or better for safety records on and off the job and experience fewer disabling injuries than their co-workers

How it Works

  • Discovery | Discovery is a strength-based, individualized, approach that helps participants realize their full potential. Participants work with us to discover their interests and abilities for the job.
  • Job Search | Participants work with our Job Developer to find suitable job that benefits both the employer and participant. A job is negotiated to benefit both Employer and Participant.
  • On-the-job Traning | A Job Coach supports your new employee during the beginning to ensure a smooth transition. Communication and support remains available to ensure long term success.